Certification Coaching/ICF Mentoring/ICF Coaching Supervision
Sometimes you require a coach to accompany you on a specific professional journey. CTI Certification, ICF Mentor Coaching (for credential renewal), and ICF Coaching Supervision are three of those times. I have been providing coaching to individuals pursuing these paths for 16 years, because I strongly believe in the value of them, and keep myself steeped in the concepts, so I can serve you in these processes.
The CTI Certification program is a rigorous, intentional program intended to assist coaches in tasting mastery, and integrating CTI coaching tools in a deep way. If you choose to coach with me during your Certification journey, you can expect a fluid mix of skills clarification, personal coaching to remove blocks to success, and mentoring to effectively navigate and maximize your Certification experience. All of these will be provided with a strong relationship-based approach. I’ll be with you every step of the way, so you feel understood, supported, challenged and encouraged.
ICF Mentor Coaching is intended to be a time where you revisit your coaching skills, and challenge yourself to integrate and refine them in a new way. It invites you to come back to basics and consciously mix them with your current level of experience for the sake of a renewed, and heightened experience for your clients. Your coaching is evaluated for its adherence to the ICF cornerstones, and your credential level. No matter how you are using your credentialed skill set, Mentor Coaching will assist you in refining your impact moving forward, staying aligned with ICF principles and renewing your ACC credential.
ICF Coaching Supervision is intended to be an organic process through which you highlight your coaching blindspots, learn more deeply, have a safe space to share successes, failures and grow through collaborative dialogue, information sharing, coaching and mentorship. This relationship gives coaches who do not need to engage in Mentor Coaching for their credential, an opportunity to benefit from a coach/mentor relationship for the sake of becoming a more powerful and aligned coach and individual (and earn CCEU’s while doing so).
Working with an experienced coach like Leah helped me chart my path forward, and get really conscious about the skills I was developing. Even when we talk about my life, she integrates how this affects or widens my perspective as a coach. She reflects from both lenses seamlessly.
If you are interested in having me join you as your CTI Certification Coach, ICF Mentor Coach or ICF Coaching Supervisor drop me a line, and we’ll take it from there!