In quiet but energetic moments, my daughter can be found running across the floor, jumping and flapping her arms. After seeing this spectacle several times, I asked her what she was doing. Her response, in a matter-of-fact tone, was “I’m learning to fly”.
So I watch her with a combination of whimsy and significance, and every few attempts she says, “See mom! I flew for a few moments!” Then along comes her brother, who says “that’s not flying. That’s jumping and flapping your arms”.
We are all familiar with the nay-saying voices (be them internal or external). These voices are often disguised as fact or past experience, and they dampen our hunger and belief in ourselves and others. They make our dreamspace less fertile, and less able to float above what IS possible, into what COULD be possible. . Yes, we know these voices, that keep us from our own brilliance.
To the voices: thank you for your experience, caution and logic. These are not required in dreamspace. Here we build cabins from candy canes, and sleep under stars made from glitter glue and crystal spheres. Ideas flow through us, and some seeds implant themselves for growth and further consideration. The weather is always fine, and the breeze brings the warmth of “more to explore”.