I have been away. I have returned. Where have I been? Great question.
I have been filling myself with what life has to offer. I have been reminded of both its joys and its pains. I have been reminded that our passions can be borne of our love and our hate.
I have seen how the land around us holds life and death, and how we are learning to honor both. In everything there is light and dark. What if…neither are bad. Those who hold the dark in life, contain a strength that is enviable. What dark do you hold? What strength does it point to? Those who hold the light in life, contain a strength that is enviable. What light do you hold? What strength does it point to?
See? We all hold them both, in different measures, all the time, and our passion is sourced from them both. Sometimes we find our mission by “what we no longer want to see in the world” and at others, by “what we want more of in the world”. Both are powerful.
How do you source your decisions? How do you decide?