As I stand here washing bug guts off my van and reflecting on the fun road trip that put them there, I am struck by something. A few years ago, I would resist cleaning “fun” off my van for as long as possible. The dust and footprints reminded me of the fun I had, and […]
Born Fearless
We are born fearless. We come into this world ready to live, breathe, and experience everything anew. As infants, we reach out to things, and see them as an adventure, and fear does not come knocking. Childhood is a free-fall into life’s deliciousness! As children, we naturally know how to live in the NOW— what […]
Row, Row, Row
We have all heard this childhood song a million times: Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. Wait a minute! What? Life is but a dream? If we disregard for the moment, the metaphysical, matrix-like implications of this wee song, what else is here? […]